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Life Changing Fertility Treatment at Kingsbridge North West

08th, Sep 2022

Dr James Moohan is an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Consultant and Fertility Specialist at Kingsbridge Private Hospital North West, which means his work is to help women have children, no matter what is in the way. Dr Moohan has helped many women suffering from infertility on a successful journey to motherhood.

There are many reasons why women might struggle to conceive - some explained like irregular ovulation, a partner’s low sperm count, ectopic pregnancies, and endometriosis to name but a few - but there are also many unexplained or more complicated reasons for infertility that leave women heartbroken as they try and seek answers. Sadly, the NHS often has limited resources to help women overcome these problems.

Dr Moohan uses his expertise to overcome many fertility challenges. At his clinic he meets with women and couples and can offer a range of options to make sure everything possible is done to help them conceive.

He says the first step is meeting with the woman and trying to increase the chances of natural conception.

He explains “We do this through advice, or sometimes I will do what we call ovulation therapy. This means that more than one egg is produced per month which would normally be the case. These are the simple things that we would do to start.”

While for many people, this type of treatment works, there are some more complicated cases, and the clinic has had a great success rate working with couples who have been trying to conceive for many years.

For instance, many of the clinic’s clients are women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, and alternative treatments are available for them, too.

Dr Moohan explains: “This is a condition that has short-term health issues, but also long-term. These women do not ovulate regularly. We can stimulate ovulation using medication, and injection therapy. There is a surgical option we can offer women with PCOS. They then have no need to take medication.”

In some other serious cases the clinic can offer surgery to women to increase their chances of conception, when all other avenues have been explored.

Dr Moohan says: “Some people might have damage to their reproductive systems, and I would try to correct that surgically, and for anyone with endometriosis I would remove that. The evidence is that these surgeries increase the chances of conceiving naturally.”

Many women and couples would leave Dr Moohan’s clinic at this stage, finally having conceived and well on their way to having a child.

There are times sadly when this is not the case and at this point Dr Moohan leads women through the journey of IVF.

IVF is a process whereby the egg and sperm are fertilised in a laboratory, and the fertilised egg is then implanted in the uterus.

For anyone who cannot conceive naturally, even after corrective surgeries, it is the next option, and one that the clinic has seen many couples have success with.

The clinic has all the care and support needed for anyone undergoing IVF treatment, which can often be an emotional journey, with many ups and downs both mentally and physically.

Dr Moohan says: “I have a fertility nurse who is a great point of contact for the patients. If they’re waiting on tests, she gets the results to them, and if they get pregnant, she organises almost everything for them.”

When couples do see success at the clinic, it is clear how much it means to them.

“It’s life-changing, in many small ways, and probably in some ways they don’t expect,” says Dr Moohan.

James is most likely talking about the endless nappies and nights of no sleep that all parents like to laugh about years down the line.

For anyone trying to have a baby, though, these struggles seem a small price to pay for that precious bundle of joy, something which James has seen many times over the years.

If you would like more information about the fertility clinic at Kingsbridge Private Hospital North West, get in touch on 028 7776 3090 or via our website at

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