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Get to Know Our Cross Border Appointments Administrator

10th, Mar 2020

Niamh Moloney, our Cross Border Appointments Administrator took some time to answer a few 'Get to Know You' questions.

How long have you been with Kingsbridge Healthcare Group and who do you work most closely with?

I have worked with Kingsbridge Healthcare Group for two and a half years. I work very closely with Caitriona Moloney, Assistant Manager, Laura Rodgers, Appointments Supervisor and Michelle Bell, Customer Service Manager as well as the rest of the bookings team.

How do you spend your typical day at work and what do you enjoy most about your job?

On a daily basis I would handle Cross Border enquiries that come through, booking consultations and helping to fill in necessary paperwork while keeping the Cross Border email folder up to date. I assist any new or existing patients and their families by answering any questions they have as well as liaising with GP's and any TD’s that want to arrange clinics for constituents.

I thoroughly enjoy my job but my favourite part of my job is speaking with so many different patients each day and building a rapport with them. I also enjoy getting to meet the patients and putting a face to their voice. This is particularly exciting when you’ve dealt with them from the very outset from when they lifted the phone to making an enquiry and really rewarding when you see how much the treatment has helped them. 

Since taking on your role as Cross Border Appointments Administrator, has there been a moment that has stood out for you?

A moment that stood out to me was when Michael Collins, a T.D in Cork rang me after being on the radio and needed an urgent appointment for a patient that needed his cataract removed. It had to be done within a few weeks as the patient wanted to see his daughter clearly on her wedding day. I ended up getting the patient an appointment a day later and, in the end, he was able to see his daughter walk down the aisle and that was a really lovely moment.

And lastly, tell us something about yourself that people will not know? 

I was born in Boston, U.S.A and it took me over 6 times to pass my driving test!

If you are looking to find out more about the Cross Border Healthcare Directive, we have information on our website alongside patient testimonials and how to apply. 

To speak to our Cross Border Appointments Adminsitrator please contact 048 9068 8858 or email

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