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Kingsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic To Resume Face To Face Consultations

11th, Jun 2020

Kingsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic Patient Announcement - Open as normal with strict guidelines in place for your safety.

The staff at Kingsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic would like to inform all our current and prospective clients that we are currently offering both face to face consultations and remote/video consultations. The decision-making process around offering face to face or remote consultations will be a shared decision-making process between the client and physiotherapist which will be guided by physiotherapy professional and public health agency Northern Ireland regulations.

Located at Queens Sport PEC, Kingsbridge Physiotheraphy and Sports Injury Clinic is following all current health and safety regulations to keep you safe.

  • All new clients will have a compulsory initial telephone triage call with one of our physiotherapists and based on the outcome of this call, a decision will be made on whether your condition can be managed remotely/video physiotherapy session or you meet the criteria for requiring a face to face consultation.
  • We are adopting a “virtual first” policy and aim to manage the majority of conditions remotely where possible.
  • We want to ensure all clients that we are maintaining the highest possible hygiene standards in our facility and will wear PPE as detailed by our regulatory authorities. We want to ensure that both our clients and staff are exposed to minimal risk of virus infection and have carried out a risk assessment in conjunction with Queens PEC staff.
  • We have carried out a deep clean of our facility and have created policies and procedures around hand hygiene, PPE, clinic room hygiene etc. We have made amendments to clinic facility to ensure social distancing can be maintained such as a one way system for clients to ensure no patient to patient contact takes place.
  • Only those clients who present with cases that meet the criteria for emergency or urgent presentations will be offered a face to face to consultation. This will be discussed further with you during the initial mandatory telephone triage call.
  • On arrival at the entrance of Queens PEC facility, all clients will have a digital temperature check and complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire before being allowed to enter beyond the reception area and into the physiotherapy clinic. We have protocols in place for any client who is deemed symptomatic following COVID screening.

Please note that these protocols and regulations are subject to change in line with physiotherapy professional guidelines and public health NI regulations which are being updated weekly.

We hope our clients are staying safe during this time and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Kingsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic

For further information on our Physiotherapy services, please click here

If you would like to book an appointment or require further information on the available options, please do not hesitate to contact our patient booking team on 02890667878 via our Online Enquiry Form 

Alternatively, email Kingsbridge Physio Clinic or Enquire At Queen's PEC Reception

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